Saturday, October 25, 2014

Might Be Coming Back Into Sight--

After months of up and down with back pain, I am now hopeful that I can avoid surgery and do longer and longer walks and hikes again.

Today: A milestone. I walked the one-mile loop from my house, through the northwest corner gate, all the way down to the next gate, and back home again, with two of the Household Beasts. I believe that it has been at least four months since I've been able to do that. Yahoo! (Last time I tried, about 10 days ago, we walked a speck into the park, then I had to turn around and go back.)

I didn't take my trash bag, so didn't watch for Naughty Neighbor droppings, but with occasional glances, it looks pretty clean.

I also didn't take my camera, so didn't capture the pastel colors of the sunset over the park this evening. Hope that you saw it!

Instead--in honor of the occasion--here's my favorite moody photo of the park back on a rainy day (remember those?) about a month after the park opened, with one yellow flower brightening the scene.

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