Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Patrol and feelin' good

Can you believe this weather? Forgot to take my camera today, too bad, as there was some work being done on the bed of the Cottle River and other random fun things. Maybe tomorrow if I have time.

Old dog feeling pretty good today, so we covered the whole west side and south side between about 9 and 9:30 this morning, and picked up:

  • Cigarette butts: 2
  • Water bottle caps: 2
  • Dog poops: 5, all of them along the south side, not the west side
  • 3 candy wrappers
  • 3 pieces of broken glass in random places (so they might be old, just washed clean by the recent rains)
  • A dozen other small bits and scraps--cough drop wrapper, crumbled up receipt, another ribbon from the opening ceremonies, crumpled aluminum foil, 2 straws, I don't remember everything
Clearly, someone(s) else are also picking up trash & poop regularly. Thanks again to whomever it is.

But also, since I just heard that there's an estimate of over 600 people every day using the trail, and a majority of them with dogs, this is actually a pretty trivial amount of litter. But, still--come on, folks, scoop the poop! Put those wrappers and bottle caps in your pocket until you reach a trash can!

And, wow, was it a beautiful day to be in the park.

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